Tidakkah kau tahu? Setiap dosa itu mendatangkan titik hitam di hati?
Setiap perkataan salah itu membawa gelombang hitam yang menyakitkan?
Aku seolah-olah dapat 'melihat' syaitan itu menjegilkan matanya kepadaku ketika kau menyebut ayat itu. Syaitan itu memberi amaran kepadaku untuk terus membiarkan kau berada di jalannya. Jangan berani menarikmu ke jalan yang selamat.
Dia telah pernah berjaya membawamu ke jalan yang gelap. Bertahun lamanya kau di sana. Kau rasa bahagia dan gembira ketika melalui jalan itu.
Tapi tahukah engkau..itulah kegembiraan yang sementara, kegembiraan yang menipu. Namun kau telah memulakan jalanmu yang baru, jalan yang dipenuhi cahaya dariNya. Dan kini kau sedang diuji, kau kini berpaling, mahu kembali ke belakang, ke jalan yang gelap itu.
Mengapa solatmu menjadikan dirimu murung?
Bukan dirimu yang murung..tapi syaitan itu yang murung.
Bukan dirimu yang kehilangan diri, tapi syaitan itu yang mula kehilanganmu.
Tapi ketika kau menyatakan itu padaku, aku tersentak, aku tidak tahu bagaimana untuk menjawabnya. Aku terasa asakan syaitan itu, gelombang hitam itu begitu ganas.
Kau tidak tahu.. ianya menyakitkan. Menyakitkan diriku.
Kini aku harus kembali mengumpul kekuatanku. Tidak sekali-kali aku akan menyerah.
Aku ada Yang Maha Berkuasa bersamaku, Yang Maha Gagah, Yang Maha Agung, Yang Maha Kukuh, Yang Maha Memelihara, Dialah Raja Langit dan Bumi.
Dia lah Tuhanku, Tuhan yang sama yang pernah menghalau syaitan itu dari syurgaNya.
Dan dari saat itu bermulalah episod permusuhannya dengan kita semua. Syaitan itu bersumpah di hadapan Tuhan, di hadapan Yang Maha Adil, Yang Maha Menghitung, Yang Maha Kuat, bahawa dia akan menyesatkan kita semua. Sebuah sumpah besar yang menggerunkan kerana dia telah bersumpah untuk membawa manusia ke neraka.
Kau pernah baca kisahnya di dalam Qur'an bukan?
Kisah sedih itu, kisah bagaimana Nabi Adam dan Hawa terpedaya. Kau tahu bagaimana Adam menangis bertahun lamanya menyesali perbuatannya. Namun Allah Maha Pengampun dan Maha Penyayang. Adam dan Hawa manusia mulia yang sudah diampunkan.
Aku harus meneruskan tugasku. Namun aku harus sentiasa ingat, Allah telah memberikan keizinan kepada syaitan untuk melaksanakan sumpahnya. Dan syaitan akan berjaya menyesatkan kita kecuali...kecuali sesiapa yang ikhlas. Ikhlas mencari kebenaran, mencari kebahagiaan, bukan kebahagiaan sementara, namun kebahagiaan yang abadi.
Aku juga sentiasa berperang, adakalanya aku tewas. Lemahnya imanku. Solatku, entahkan diterima atau tidak..kerana syaitan itu pasti datang ketika solatku, alangkah susahnya mendapatkan khusyuk itu...
Hatiku, juga tidak selalu ikhlas..masih ada kesombongan..bisikan dari musuh itu.
Tapi aku tetap yakin dengan rahmatNya, aku mohon belas kasihan dariNya, meskipun aku sangat takut. Dunia ini meletihkan, menuntut kesabaranku sentiasa...adakalanya aku terlupa..
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Itukah Pilihanmu?
"Kalau begitu, saya cadangkan setiap kali selepas solat, sedekahkan alFatihah untuk ibumu. Mudah-mudahan Allah akan permudahkan setiap urusanmu di sini sementara ibumu di sana akan redha menerima keputusanmu"
"Emm..ada sesuatu yang saya harus beritahu kepadamu...saya kini tidak lagi menunaikan solat. Saya memilih untuk tidak melakukannya..."
"Ooh...begitukah?...err..kenapa ya?"
"Solat menyebabkan saya murung, fikiran berserabut, saya seperti kehilangan diri saya yang dulunya ceria dan gembira sentiasa.."
" ....................................."
"Maaf ya...saya tidak tahu apa yang harus saya perkatakan kepadamu. Saya harus mencari dahulu jawapan yang adil untuk situasimu ini. Saya benar-benar tidak tahu..., maaf ya, nanti kita akan sambung kembali perbicaraan ini."
"Tidak mengapa...terima kasih kerana tidak memarahi saya.."
Di dalam hatiku, "Apa perlunya aku memarahimu? Aku tahu dirimu sedang berperang dengan syaitan yang berusaha keras menutup jalanmu menuju cahaya kebenaran. Aku tahu peperangan itu begitu sengit, begitu ganas sekali syaitan menahan langkah-langkahmu...Aku bukan marah kepadamu. Aku amat-amat bersimpati padamu..Aku sendiri perlu mencari kekuatan untuk membantumu dalam peperangan ini"
Ya Allah Ya Rahman..
Bagaimana harus ku mulakan langkahku untuk mendidik anak ini?
Islam itu terlalu asing baginya. Dilahirkan muslim tetapi tidak langsung mengenali keindahannya.
Jiwanya memberontak mahu kembali ke jalan gelap yang telah dilaluinya selama ini dengan 'gembira'.
Ya Allah,
Permudahkan bagiku di dalam urusanku untuk membantunya
Ya Fattah..Ya Hadi.. Ya Nuur...
Bantulah kami..
"Emm..ada sesuatu yang saya harus beritahu kepadamu...saya kini tidak lagi menunaikan solat. Saya memilih untuk tidak melakukannya..."
"Ooh...begitukah?...err..kenapa ya?"
"Solat menyebabkan saya murung, fikiran berserabut, saya seperti kehilangan diri saya yang dulunya ceria dan gembira sentiasa.."
" ....................................."
"Maaf ya...saya tidak tahu apa yang harus saya perkatakan kepadamu. Saya harus mencari dahulu jawapan yang adil untuk situasimu ini. Saya benar-benar tidak tahu..., maaf ya, nanti kita akan sambung kembali perbicaraan ini."
"Tidak mengapa...terima kasih kerana tidak memarahi saya.."
Di dalam hatiku, "Apa perlunya aku memarahimu? Aku tahu dirimu sedang berperang dengan syaitan yang berusaha keras menutup jalanmu menuju cahaya kebenaran. Aku tahu peperangan itu begitu sengit, begitu ganas sekali syaitan menahan langkah-langkahmu...Aku bukan marah kepadamu. Aku amat-amat bersimpati padamu..Aku sendiri perlu mencari kekuatan untuk membantumu dalam peperangan ini"
Ya Allah Ya Rahman..
Bagaimana harus ku mulakan langkahku untuk mendidik anak ini?
Islam itu terlalu asing baginya. Dilahirkan muslim tetapi tidak langsung mengenali keindahannya.
Jiwanya memberontak mahu kembali ke jalan gelap yang telah dilaluinya selama ini dengan 'gembira'.
Ya Allah,
Permudahkan bagiku di dalam urusanku untuk membantunya
Ya Fattah..Ya Hadi.. Ya Nuur...
Bantulah kami..
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Be Truthful
Gary Chapman, in his book, "Love as a Way of Life", wrote the following:
As I was doing the research for this book, I asked numerous people to give me the name of someone they considered a loving person. Then I followed up with these questions: Why? What about that person leads you to conclude that he or she is a loving person?
Most of the answers I received fell within the characteristics of love that we have already discussed in this book. The loving person was said to be kind, patient, forgiving, humble, courteous, and giving. But a significant number of my respondents also indicated that the person was loving because he or she would tell the truth even when the other person didn't want to hear it. A casual acquaintance may tell you what you want to hear, but a true friend will tell you what you need to hear.
Being honest is part of being a loving person. Being honest means we need to be truthful in our words and action. Truth can be hurtful at times, but the truth will set you free.
A lie can't stand on it's own, it will need another lie to complete it, and another, and another. It takes less energy to tell the truth compare to telling lies.
But, in the effort of being honest, it doesn't mean we are allowed to be rude or harsh. Truth can and should be conveyed with kindness.
There were times when we would be angry and hurt but we should be thankful that we can rely on our trusted friends to be honest with us.
A Muslim should be a mirror to his/her friends.
Mirror never lies.
As I was doing the research for this book, I asked numerous people to give me the name of someone they considered a loving person. Then I followed up with these questions: Why? What about that person leads you to conclude that he or she is a loving person?
Most of the answers I received fell within the characteristics of love that we have already discussed in this book. The loving person was said to be kind, patient, forgiving, humble, courteous, and giving. But a significant number of my respondents also indicated that the person was loving because he or she would tell the truth even when the other person didn't want to hear it. A casual acquaintance may tell you what you want to hear, but a true friend will tell you what you need to hear.
Being honest is part of being a loving person. Being honest means we need to be truthful in our words and action. Truth can be hurtful at times, but the truth will set you free.
A lie can't stand on it's own, it will need another lie to complete it, and another, and another. It takes less energy to tell the truth compare to telling lies.
But, in the effort of being honest, it doesn't mean we are allowed to be rude or harsh. Truth can and should be conveyed with kindness.
There were times when we would be angry and hurt but we should be thankful that we can rely on our trusted friends to be honest with us.
A Muslim should be a mirror to his/her friends.
Mirror never lies.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Patient versus Patient
Why do we call a sick person who's undergoing treatment as 'patient'?
We do have to be patient when we are sick or while taking care of a sick person. That's true. But why the same word is used?
It's quite normal that we fall sick once in a while. However, my healthy days are definitely more than my sick days. This is a fact that I must always remember and be thankful for.
But sometimes, when I've been sick for a long period of time, or when I fell sick repeatedly, my soul turns weary, my heart turns sorrow and I'll break down into tears. Not because of pain, but more of a disheartened feeling and sadness.
Why is it happening again? I've taken the medication, I've tried this and that to avoid being sick. Why..why..?
That's when patience is needed.
Illness is a test. A test from Him, The Most Merciful. He is reminding you and me, to turn back to Him, so that we can be saved from a greater danger ahead.
Innallaaha ma'as soobiriin..
Forgive me Ya Ghaffar..
Because when I was healthy, I forgot You again..
We do have to be patient when we are sick or while taking care of a sick person. That's true. But why the same word is used?
It's quite normal that we fall sick once in a while. However, my healthy days are definitely more than my sick days. This is a fact that I must always remember and be thankful for.
But sometimes, when I've been sick for a long period of time, or when I fell sick repeatedly, my soul turns weary, my heart turns sorrow and I'll break down into tears. Not because of pain, but more of a disheartened feeling and sadness.
Why is it happening again? I've taken the medication, I've tried this and that to avoid being sick. Why..why..?
That's when patience is needed.
Illness is a test. A test from Him, The Most Merciful. He is reminding you and me, to turn back to Him, so that we can be saved from a greater danger ahead.
Innallaaha ma'as soobiriin..
Forgive me Ya Ghaffar..
Because when I was healthy, I forgot You again..
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
I had just finished reading 3 books. When I bought the books on new year day, I was hoping that I would find something different. The first book was written by an Italian psychotherapist, the second by two Canadians(one of them was an accountant) and the third by a Japanese scientist.
The Japanese scientist explained about his research on water crystals (I've heard about it quite sometime ago, only now had the chance to read the book).
What strikes me most was the fact about vibration.
Existence is vibration.
We know from quantum physic that matter is actually a kind of wave or vibration, including us, human. When we look deeper and deeper inside us, we will see atoms. And atoms are basically a nucleus with circling electrons.
The only 'solid' thing about us is the nucleus, the rest are just empty space. In fact, scientists say, if we are able to compress all the atoms in us, getting rid of all the space, we would actually become invisible!
Coming back to vibration, the experiment about water shows that the vibration of kind words would affect the formation of water crystals into a beautiful shape, and the opposite will happen with nasty offensive words.
From the Italian writer who wrote about the power of kindness, he presented many research findings that shows, we, human are meant to be kind. We are designed to be kind. Kindness is our nature.
The Canadian writers wrote about the benefit of giving. Giving is one of the greatest act of kindness. Giving will benefit most to the giver, not the receiver. True happiness can only be achieved through giving, whether we are giving our wealth, time, or love to others.
While the Italian and Canadian writers spoke about kindness and giving, in psychological perspective, the Japanese scientist shows that kindness can be measured empirically, and can even be shown in photographs. In the form of water crystals and measured vibrations.
Why water? Water is the source of life.
We, human are water based, 70% of our body is water.
I am a Malaysian reader, reading from books written by people from 3 different parts of the world, expecting to look for something different. Why was I not surprised to find that all of them are talking about the same thing?
Because, I know for a fact that all of us, everything around us, are created by ONE Creator.
Words are vibration and they can affect us. Remember how painful it was when we accidentally cut our finger? It takes a few days to heal. But it's not as painful as when somebody said a nasty cruel word to our face. That could take years to heal or could be incurable.
The negative vibration affected us negatively.
Some people can sense it distinctly and are able to find the cure to eliminate the effect because they are strong.
Some people can sense it and suffer the pain but not capable of finding the cure without the help of others.
And some people do not even realized what is happening within his body and soul, they go on with their life while the vibration is slowly destroying them.
Which one are you?
If words can have devastating effects, what about sinful acts and wrongdoings?
However, our Creator does not leave us alone groping in the dark. He send us guidance through our hearts.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, " Sin makes the heart restless".
We can feel it. But..
How many times have we ignored the signals from our hearts?
How many times have we proceed with the actions while the alarm is deafening the ears?
Until one day, the hearts suffer and die a spiritual death.
And whether we realize it or not, sins are hurting and wounding us and the people around us. We radiates the negative vibrations.
Only a sincere repentance can purify the ailing hearts towards recovery.
"What, have they not journeyed in the land so that they have hearts to understand with, or ears to hear with? It is not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts within the breasts."
( Al- Hajj: 46)
The Japanese scientist explained about his research on water crystals (I've heard about it quite sometime ago, only now had the chance to read the book).
What strikes me most was the fact about vibration.
Existence is vibration.
We know from quantum physic that matter is actually a kind of wave or vibration, including us, human. When we look deeper and deeper inside us, we will see atoms. And atoms are basically a nucleus with circling electrons.
The only 'solid' thing about us is the nucleus, the rest are just empty space. In fact, scientists say, if we are able to compress all the atoms in us, getting rid of all the space, we would actually become invisible!
Coming back to vibration, the experiment about water shows that the vibration of kind words would affect the formation of water crystals into a beautiful shape, and the opposite will happen with nasty offensive words.
From the Italian writer who wrote about the power of kindness, he presented many research findings that shows, we, human are meant to be kind. We are designed to be kind. Kindness is our nature.
The Canadian writers wrote about the benefit of giving. Giving is one of the greatest act of kindness. Giving will benefit most to the giver, not the receiver. True happiness can only be achieved through giving, whether we are giving our wealth, time, or love to others.
While the Italian and Canadian writers spoke about kindness and giving, in psychological perspective, the Japanese scientist shows that kindness can be measured empirically, and can even be shown in photographs. In the form of water crystals and measured vibrations.
Why water? Water is the source of life.
We, human are water based, 70% of our body is water.
I am a Malaysian reader, reading from books written by people from 3 different parts of the world, expecting to look for something different. Why was I not surprised to find that all of them are talking about the same thing?
Because, I know for a fact that all of us, everything around us, are created by ONE Creator.
Words are vibration and they can affect us. Remember how painful it was when we accidentally cut our finger? It takes a few days to heal. But it's not as painful as when somebody said a nasty cruel word to our face. That could take years to heal or could be incurable.
The negative vibration affected us negatively.
Some people can sense it distinctly and are able to find the cure to eliminate the effect because they are strong.
Some people can sense it and suffer the pain but not capable of finding the cure without the help of others.
And some people do not even realized what is happening within his body and soul, they go on with their life while the vibration is slowly destroying them.
Which one are you?
If words can have devastating effects, what about sinful acts and wrongdoings?
However, our Creator does not leave us alone groping in the dark. He send us guidance through our hearts.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, " Sin makes the heart restless".
We can feel it. But..
How many times have we ignored the signals from our hearts?
How many times have we proceed with the actions while the alarm is deafening the ears?
Until one day, the hearts suffer and die a spiritual death.
And whether we realize it or not, sins are hurting and wounding us and the people around us. We radiates the negative vibrations.
Only a sincere repentance can purify the ailing hearts towards recovery.
"What, have they not journeyed in the land so that they have hearts to understand with, or ears to hear with? It is not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts within the breasts."
( Al- Hajj: 46)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Are you sick again?
What happen to you?
The same thing like before.
I thought you've taken the necessary steps to avoid it.
Yes, I did. But it's part of my job that I have to deal with.
Can't you at least take a break from this?
I wish I could. But this is my responsibility and I am accountable for it.
What can I do to help you then?
Pray for me.
Pray that Allah will give me the strength that I need, pray that Allah will always guide me in this painful road.
Pray that my heart will always remain humble.
Pray that Allah will forgive me and be pleased with me. That's all I need. Thank you.
What happen to you?
The same thing like before.
I thought you've taken the necessary steps to avoid it.
Yes, I did. But it's part of my job that I have to deal with.
Can't you at least take a break from this?
I wish I could. But this is my responsibility and I am accountable for it.
What can I do to help you then?
Pray for me.
Pray that Allah will give me the strength that I need, pray that Allah will always guide me in this painful road.
Pray that my heart will always remain humble.
Pray that Allah will forgive me and be pleased with me. That's all I need. Thank you.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
You'll Find the Way, InsyaAllah
Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
And that you're so alone
All you see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can't see which way to go
Don't despair and never lose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
You'll find your way
Everytime you can make one more mistake
You feel you can't repent
And that it's way too late
You're so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame
Don't despair and never lose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
You'll find your way
Turn to Allah
He's never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
Ooo..Ya Allah
Guide my steps don't let me go astray
You're the only One that showed me the way
Showed me the way
InsyaAllah we'll find the way
Nasyid by Maher Zain
Title: InsyaAllah
Listen here
You feel so lost
And that you're so alone
All you see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can't see which way to go
Don't despair and never lose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
You'll find your way
Everytime you can make one more mistake
You feel you can't repent
And that it's way too late
You're so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame
Don't despair and never lose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
You'll find your way
Turn to Allah
He's never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
Ooo..Ya Allah
Guide my steps don't let me go astray
You're the only One that showed me the way
Showed me the way
InsyaAllah we'll find the way
Nasyid by Maher Zain
Title: InsyaAllah
Listen here
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Let's be Kinder
This is the time of the year when people make new resolutions, setting up new targets and goals. It's a good way of motivating ourselves and it help us to focus on new achievement.
Observing and contemplating on the current affairs of the world, it is indeed depressing to see many injustice, corruption, evilness, and hideous crimes committed by human.
We read and see news about murder, rape, poverty, hunger, illness, immorality and the list goes on.
But, it is interesting to see that when it comes to new year, people do take the effort to make new resolutions. Some even go to the extend of celebrating the new year.
It shows that despite everything, we are still hoping, yearning for good times and wonderful lives ahead.
How do we as individual contribute to a better world?
Let's focus on kindness.
I recently read in a book about the English writer Aldous Huxley. He was a pioneer in the study of philosophies and techniques aimed at developing human potentials. He said,
"People often ask me what is the most effective technique for transforming their life. It is a little embarrassing that after years and years of research and experimentation, I have to say that the best answer is - just be a little kinder."
Not exactly an earth shattering revelation, I must say.
It doesn't take much effort to be kind.
When you see a friend with a sad face, a sincere smile would surely make a difference. In fact, smile is the most comfortable and pleasant facial expression compare to frowning or other movements of the face muscle. For Muslim, we know that a smile is not just an act of kindness, it is considered as a form of charity.
Giving or receiving kindness are both gratifying.
Remember how good we feel after being able to help our friend with her homework?
And I remember how good it felt when someone showed me the direction when I was lost in my way.
And we will always enjoy listening to kind words from anyone.
Kindness has no size, big or small, kindness is priceless.
But people say, kindness is actually difficult to give away, because it keeps coming back.
Research has shown that kind people are healthier, happier, more popular and respected. On the lighter side, if you feel that suffering and misery will always befallen the kind people, it could be that you have been watching too much of indonesian cinetron. (No offense to my dear Indonesian friends, some of you are the kindest people I know)
There are people out there in our life whom, at the moment of seeing their face it gives a pleasant feeling because the only thing that we know about them is their kindness. That's the powerful effect of kindness, it's everlasting.
Being kind makes us feel good, because we are created to be kind.
Because we are created by The most kind of all.
All praises and thanks to Him, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful for all the kindness that He has bestowed on us regardless of our constant wrongdoings and unkindness.
Please forgive us Ya Ghaffar..
Observing and contemplating on the current affairs of the world, it is indeed depressing to see many injustice, corruption, evilness, and hideous crimes committed by human.
We read and see news about murder, rape, poverty, hunger, illness, immorality and the list goes on.
But, it is interesting to see that when it comes to new year, people do take the effort to make new resolutions. Some even go to the extend of celebrating the new year.
It shows that despite everything, we are still hoping, yearning for good times and wonderful lives ahead.
How do we as individual contribute to a better world?
Let's focus on kindness.
I recently read in a book about the English writer Aldous Huxley. He was a pioneer in the study of philosophies and techniques aimed at developing human potentials. He said,
"People often ask me what is the most effective technique for transforming their life. It is a little embarrassing that after years and years of research and experimentation, I have to say that the best answer is - just be a little kinder."
Not exactly an earth shattering revelation, I must say.
It doesn't take much effort to be kind.
When you see a friend with a sad face, a sincere smile would surely make a difference. In fact, smile is the most comfortable and pleasant facial expression compare to frowning or other movements of the face muscle. For Muslim, we know that a smile is not just an act of kindness, it is considered as a form of charity.
Giving or receiving kindness are both gratifying.
Remember how good we feel after being able to help our friend with her homework?
And I remember how good it felt when someone showed me the direction when I was lost in my way.
And we will always enjoy listening to kind words from anyone.
Kindness has no size, big or small, kindness is priceless.
But people say, kindness is actually difficult to give away, because it keeps coming back.
Research has shown that kind people are healthier, happier, more popular and respected. On the lighter side, if you feel that suffering and misery will always befallen the kind people, it could be that you have been watching too much of indonesian cinetron. (No offense to my dear Indonesian friends, some of you are the kindest people I know)
There are people out there in our life whom, at the moment of seeing their face it gives a pleasant feeling because the only thing that we know about them is their kindness. That's the powerful effect of kindness, it's everlasting.
Being kind makes us feel good, because we are created to be kind.
Because we are created by The most kind of all.
All praises and thanks to Him, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful for all the kindness that He has bestowed on us regardless of our constant wrongdoings and unkindness.
Please forgive us Ya Ghaffar..
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