I had been following the updates since August about the delicate rescue operation of the 33 Chilean miners who were trapped alive more than 2,300 feet below the earth surface.
On Wednesday, October 13,2010, after 69 days of harrowing ordeal they were finally able to breathe the fresh air when all of them were successfully rescued.
All praise be to Allah...
Millions around the world watched with teary eyes as one by one, the miners emerged from the rescue capsule. It wasn't just a rescue, many felt that it was a spiritual experience, as admitted by one of the miners' relatives.
And the Chilean president Sebastian Pinera said that, "Chile is not the same country that it was 69 days ago,"
An excerpt from one of the news website graphically describe the situation at the end of the rescue:
01.53am: He's out! Mr Urzua, the last of Los 33, has been brought up into the fresh night air. Jubilant celebrations erupt across Camp Hope and the country as the Phoenix 2 capsule emerges to screams, cheers and euphoria from the waiting crowd. One thousand balloons are released into the night sky as Chile's national anthem plays. Flags are waving furiously, not a dry eye at the San Jose mine.
Allah is Most Merciful. His mercy knows no boundaries.
One of the miners confessed that he has never prayed before in his life, but he learned to pray in the darkness of the mine, as there's no one else he could turn to during those helpless moments. I believe that he had prayed sincerely to the One God.
Life is never the same again for them.
The miners had found the light at the end of the tunnel,literally. They had been liberated.
I hope and pray that one day, they will find the true light that will guide them in the darkness of life.
I pray that after sincerely praying to the One God, one day they will find the one way of life chosen by the One God, Allah, our Merciful Creator. The One who had saved them from the darkness of the mine.
I hope they will find the light of Islam.
Only with Islam would they be truly liberated.
Islam is the truth and only the truth can set them free.
".....This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your way of life ....."
(Al Maidah: 3)
Read here.
Salam madam,
may Allah grant them the nur of Islam inside their hearts and may Allah s.w.t preserve our faith on Him.
"Allahumma ya Muqollibal Quluub, thabbit quluuubana 'ala deeniKa, ya ArhamarRahimeen..."
Don't forget us in your du'a madam, the exam period comes again, may Allah give us the strength to keep up the good work... tomorrow is my 1st paper. hope this semester will really be the last for me...final semester, yes! :)
Salam Jamil,
All the best in your 'final' final exam.
As your journey in the garden of knowledge and virtue is nearing the end let's hope and pray that it was a blessed one. Amiin.
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