Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Perjalanan Mengenali DIA - 3

It's time to go to the mountain peak!
Mount Pilatus is the nearest to our apartment. It's the highlight of our journey in Switzerland... no...in Europe actually.

We took the cable car, enjoying the panoramic view of a bright sunny day.
The unimpeded views of the town with the beautiful houses, then the green hills filled with pine trees, then the rugged mountain base.

The steep slopes are a sight of wonder. Subhanallah....
The cool breeze from the cable car window is so soothing and refreshing. Alhamdulillah...

We stop at the last station before the peak to get a 'glimpse' of the mountain.

Yes... we are going there. Up there!

The Pilatus station. The cable car docked neatly into the arrival gate.

I still can't believe that I am here.
I am not dreaming.

Ya Rahman..
Ya Rahim..
Ya Aalli..
Ya Mutakabbir..
Alhamdulillahi rabbil aalamiin...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Perjalanan Mengenali DIA - 2

This is the view from the bedroom balcony of our apartment in Lucerne, Switzerland. We stayed for five days there. Every morning, the beautiful sunshine greet us from behind the mountain by the lake. What a view.

On the right, is the view of the same lake from the living room balcony.
We were blessed with comforting warm weather and beautiful sunshine throughout our stay there. Alhamdulillah...

Mount Pilatus can be seen from the kitchen window(left) and also from another bedroom window(right). The place that we stayed is actually surrounded with scenery that I usually see in postcard pictures.

Driving up to the mountain behind the apartment, this is what we saw.
The lake.
Lucerne lake.

Daun-daun kering itu...

Pagi ini kelihatan dua orang pekerja majlis bandaran sedang membersihkan laluan masuk ke sebuah pejabat kerajaan.
Mereka menyapu daun-daun kering dengan begitu tekun.
Betapa mulianya tugas mereka kerana atas jasa merekalah setiap orang yang masuk ke kawasan pejabat itu akan dapat menikmati laluan yang begitu bersih dikelilingi rimbunan pohon menghijau.

Daun-daun yang gugur itu meskipun hanya sedikit, tetapi tetap dibersihkan setiap hari.

Begitulah hati kita, setiap hari perlu dibersihkan meskipun kita merasa begitu 'suci', seolah-olah tiada dosa yang kita dilakukan. Namun, dosa-dosa kecil yang terkumpul akan menimbun, seperti daun-daun berguguran yang terbiar berhari-hari tidak dibersihkan. Dan apabila kita cuba membersihkannya, ianya menjadi sukar dan meletihkan.

Ya Quddus, Ya Salam...kurniakanlah kami dengan hati yang bersih sejahtera yang dengannya kami dapat melihat dengan jelas akan tipu daya dunia. Amiin...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Selamat Jalan

Gambar di atas menunjukkan tiga orang kanak-kanak dari satu keluarga yang telah terbunuh di bumi Gaza minggu lalu. Lihat lah wajah-wajah suci itu begitu damai merehatkan diri di pembaringan alam yang abadi. Hilang sudah segala derita dan kepayahan. Biarpun kami yang tinggal di sini meratapi pemergianmu, namun kami bahagia sekali...kerana kami tahu alam di sana sangat nyaman dan tenteram.

Selamat jalan anak-anakku...
Selamat kembali kepadaNya, Yang Maha Pengasih, Yang Maha Penyayang, Yang Maha Memelihara. Kau pasti bahagia bersamaNya.

Permanent Abode

I was looking through a leaflet of a newly built resort homes somewhere in one of the prestigious location in Klang Valley.
A high-end residential component amidst a resort development. Luxury villas, condominiums with panoramic views from the extra wide and spacious balcony.

You can feel the joy and happiness of living there simply by reading through the description.

" Luxury retreat in a private tropical sanctuary. Stunning elegance and architectural finesse to create an ultra luxurious accommodation experience that is second to none. "

Wow...second to none!..Who wouldn't want to live there?
In fact the beautiful leaflet describe the residence with so many adjectives. Ultra chic, tropical paradise, lavish, warm ambiance, unimpeded views, sumptuous luxury, incredibly stylish...

I must say whoever wrote that must have really imagine the beauty of the place to the extreme for him/her to be able to come out with those phrases of extravagance. Well, I have to congratulate the writer for doing a superb job. Reading through the leaflet left me with a floating feeling of living in a completely different world until I came across the price of the units offered. Nothing less than half a million RM, starting price for the condo and close to a million RM is the starting price for the villas!
Yes, we can't expect to live in a home of luxury for free.
People work hard, made sacrifice, spending sleepless night all in the name of finding and living in happiness.

However, all these are temporary. Life itself is temporary here.

Allah has promise the faithful believers of a permanent happiness somewhere else.
The Qur'an made detail description of eternal blissful life in a high place as wide as the eyes can see, surrounded by green gardens, with rivers flowing underneath.
Unlike the beauty of our temporary world which sometimes disappoint us because it is not as comfortable as we imagine it to be, the home that He promised can't be matched with anything our mind can imagine. It's way, way, way beyond human imagination.

Just like the leaflet, the housing promotion in the Qur'an is thick with pictures of pure comfort from physical, emotional and spiritual perspective.

And, that permanent abode IS second to none. Allah guarantees that.

And, just like the leaflet, these housing promotion also comes with an expensive price. Not even close to a billion RM!

The price is our heart. Our sincere heart. Our sincere devoted heart. Our sincere devotion and submission that our prayers, our deeds, our life and death is only for HIM.

Nothing less than that.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Cinta Abadi telah ditemuinya

Perkembangan mutaakhir dari bumi anbiya' mengingatkanku peristiwa hampir 5 tahun yang lalu di bumi yang sama. Pemergian seorang pejuang menemui Cinta Abadinya... kini jejaknya sedang diikuti oleh ratusan pejuang yang terus memburu Cinta yang sama.

Sajak ini telah ku tulis secara spontan pada bulan March 2004 dengan titisan airmata..

Sheikh Yassin

Di penghujung malam kau bangun
Meneruskan hidup seorang mujahid
Rukuk dan sujud memohon ampun
Lalu..mengesot kerusi rodamu ke masjid

Namun hari ini hari bahagia
Diluar pengetahuanmu ganjaran tersedia
Di langit sana bidadari menanti
Kedatanganmu mujahid sejati

Lemah tubuhmu dimakan usia
Teguh jiwamu dihempas perjuangan
Musuh durjana resah sentiasa
Kisah hidupmu harus ditamatkan

Selesai solat fajarmu masanya tiba
Peluru berpandu menghancur tubuh
Bukan satu, bahkan tiga semuanya
Menjamin perjalananmu sampai ke syurga

Bahagialah kau wahai ayahku..
Tinggallah anakmu meratapimu
Cebisan jasadmu menjadi saksi
Hidupmu di dunia tak sia-sia

Selamat jalan wahai pejuang
Inilah hari yang kau nantikan
Kau telah pergi hanya seorang
Namun beribu yang menggantikan

March 22, 2004