Darkness scares me.
I need light to brighten up my life.
I need light so I would know my way.
But when the darkness is inside the heart
When the darkness is blinding the heart
Only The Light can guide you
The Light from An Nuur...
Ya Nuur..
Help me find my way to You.
Help me please..
Assalamu'alaikum mdm.
i hope u'll keep writing. we the readers, we r ur secret admires. whether u notice or not, although we comment nothing but we do read ur posts, silently. ur writings truly inspire us. always motivate us to put some efforts to be good person before Allah. and sometimes, we share ur words, ideas, and writings with the people around us...then, it is a running rewards for u and for all of us...
May Allah give the strengths to you to write more...
May Allah give us good health...
May Allah bless us... always... :D
kind regards;
ur previous student :)
Salam Saifudin dan white,
thank you for visiting here.
thank you for the prayer mr 'white'.
boleh saya minta ijin untuk copy gambar lilin di blog anda ini, hendak saya gunakan untuk cover booklet kami. semoga anda tidak keberatan.
no problem handri. it's google image, not mine
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