Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ahlan Ya Ramadan

What is your objective this ramadan?

Self improvement.

And do you know how to do it?

Yes, sort of..

Can I offer you some suggestions?

Yes, of course...please do.

When Allah intends for someone to be good, He will make the person busy and deeply concern about his own weaknesses.

You mean my shortcomings?

Yes, get yourself busy in tracking and scrutinizing your own faults. If you want to be someone better, it doesn't help in occupying your time in finding faults in others. You got the wrong target there.

That is quite obvious isn't it.. but it's easier said than done.

And, try to listen to criticism from someone who dislike you, not from someone who loves you.

That would be tough to swallow. They could be very nasty and harsh, their criticism are so unkind.

Of course. But, your enemies are your best critics! They will tell you right on your face how ugly, how bad you are.

How do I get the strength to face that??

Find a teacher. Someone who can guide your mind... your heart. A teacher who can nurture your soul.

Yes.. a teacher would help.

Also a friend. A trustworthy friend who is sincere in giving advice whenever he sees you making mistake. Someone who will not turn a blind eye just because you are his friend.

How do I find a teacher and a friend like that?

Ask from Him. Ask, pray, beg.. from Allah, The Most Merciful. Ramadan is the month of mercy.

Thank you.

Do not thank me, my dear. Thank Him.

Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah...

Sebuah peringatan yang sangat berharga dari seorang teman menjelang Ramadan.

Apabila ALLAH menginginkan seseorang itu menjadi baik maka DIA akan menjadikan seseorang itu sibuk terhadap keburukan pada dirinya sendiri, bukan sibuk mencari keburukan orang lain.
Sesungguhnya untuk menjadikan diri baik bukanlah dengan melihat kebaikan diri sendiri, kerana ianya boleh menjatuhkan diri ke dalam kebinasaan hati, malah untuk menjadi baik kita perlu selalu melihat dan mencari kesalahan diri untuk diperbaiki.

Astaghfirullahal aziim..

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Busy...Take Five.

It's been seven weeks. It is time for mid semester break.
This time we had a unique and special break, two days, Saturday and Sunday.
That's all.

And, am I enjoying it?
Yes...of course.

The photo shows my activity during the semester break.

Sometimes, when we are in the midst of activities, we tend to lose track of our life.
We forget that every single minute is counted.
We forget that everything is recorded. In a book. All the meticulous details.

I am reminding myself.
Everything must begin with the right intention.
Innamal a'malu bin niyaati.

Friday, July 9, 2010

It's Been Quite a While

The past one month had been very hectic. The new semester had started, and having a maximum load of teaching means most of my time at work is filled with classes, while the remaining few hours is for the preparation for class.
I do have a lot to write and to share with my readers, but time simply did not permit me for writing in this blog.
My responsibility as a teacher has always been top priority. It is not just a job for me, it is my means for seeking rewards from Him.
Everyone of us has a role and specific purpose here, in this world.
I am not a fighter in a battle field, I am not a leader of a country. I am an educator.
And this is the path for me to go to Him.
Allah is Most Merciful, He knows our strengths and weaknesses and He will not lay on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear.

May Allah guide us all. Amiin..

I have recently become a 'convert'.'s not about religion..
That is what they call you when you switch from pc (windows) to mac.
This is my first entry using my Macbook. I am still learning my way through this 'new world', but it's been fun.
If any of you out there is a macbook user, I sincerely welcome any helpful tips.